Friday, November 25, 2005

The Weather Channel and Il Fait Froid!

If you click on my "Brussels Weather" link, you will notice that someone at the Weather Channel gives you the current temperature in Brussels and then they go on to tell you what the temperature "feels like" in Brussels. For example, they say it is "x" degrees, but it "feels like 'y' degrees."

I have noticed, in the 2+ weeks I have lived here, that the temperature may be "X", but it definitely does not feel like "Y". In fact, several times it has felt more like "Z" or, perhaps even "AA". I, for one, am of the strong belief that whomever is making the "feels like" determination, should be researching other career options as they have yet to get the "feels like" right!

My first French phrase was "il fait froid" -- it is cold. I have now graduated to "il fait glacial" -- it is freezing. Take yesterday for example. The Weather Channel told me that it was 36 degrees, but it felt like 39. Nothing can be further from the truth. I wore a cashmere sweater, 2 jackets, a hat, a scarf and gloves and was still so cold that I seriously considered pulling out my ski clothes!

Because we live in an old apartment, we do not have central heat. Instead, we rely on the archaic steam radiator system, which may or may not work depending on which room you are in. To make matters worse, we have 36 windows, with curtains for only 6 of them. (The Curtain Saga will be the subject of another post!). And, if that is not enough, the door to our balcony has a opening large enough for a blue north'rn to blow through.

On the upside, I have finally found a good use for the oven. I turn it to the picture that has squigglies on the top and bottom, turn the temperature to "max", open the door, and use it as if it were a fireplace. Works wonders!

Il fait glacial!!!!

© 2005 Cindy Lane. All rights reserved.


Blogger Cindy Lane said...

Thanks Anne! You might consider Houston, Texas or San Diego, California as possible relocation spots. Definitely can't beat the people in Houston or the weather in San Diego.

8:39 PM  

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